Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Finishing papers...

July 9, 2008
It rained all day today so I stayed in and wrote on my papers.  I camped out in the common room all day with several other Crickers.  Lindsey and I cooked lunch and then went back to working.  We cooked dinner and everyone sat around the table and talked about their progress on their papers.  I finished my papers around 9:00pm and I was surprised to find that some people had not even started on their second paper.  We hand them in tomorrow and then have tea with our professors.  Emily and I are also planning on going to see Tolkien's house and grave.  It feels so good to be done with my papers but I will greatly miss being here.  This program has really fulfilled my yearning to learn and made me realize that I have much more knowledge to acquire.  I have been thinking while I've been here about staying in undergrad one more year rather than graduating early.  There's a lot I still want to learn and I have even thought about coming back for the semester-long program.  I will just have to see where I think God is leading me...

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